This industry is an activity which involves the construction of various buildings.

electric heaters for building industry

The construction industry includes different destinations: civil, rural, ritual, hospital, industrial, hotel, school, sport, etc.
The use of electric heaters for building industry is always more intensive, after the modernization of constructions and with the entry of alternative energies.

ELMITI srl counts among its customers, the most high-sounding names in the construction industry.

ELMITI SRL, for instance, offers:

  • Immersion heaters, for solar systems and for the heating of water in general
  • Heating mats, for the heating of the floor. Suitable models for the settling under the screed, tile glue and directly under the parquet
  • Heating cables, for the defrosting of gutters, roofs and drainpipes. For keeping warm the water of the centralized heating system
  • Heating mats for ramps, for the defrosting of ice and snow on ramps, already inserted in the building and property renovation industry
  • Thermocouples and resistance thermometers, for the recording of temperatures
  • Scioglipar, heating sheets for the defrosting of ice and snow on the dish antenna, which would not permit the TV watching
  • Scioglipann, heating sheets for the defrosting of ice and snow on photovoltaic panels, which would not allow their normal working

For further information concerning components and electric heaters for the construction industry ELMITI

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